Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de suffice

to sufficebastar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I sufficeyo basto
you sufficetú bastas
he sufficesél basta
she sufficesella basta
we sufficenosotros bastamos
you sufficevosotros bastáis
they sufficeellos bastan
they sufficeellas bastan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I sufficedyo basté
you sufficedtú bastaste
he sufficedél bastó
she sufficedella bastó
we sufficednosotros bastamos
you sufficedvosotros bastasteis
they sufficedellos bastaron
they sufficedellas bastaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have sufficedyo he bastado
you have sufficedtú has bastado
he has sufficedél ha bastado
she has sufficedella ha bastado
we have sufficednosotros hemos bastado
you have sufficedvosotros habéis bastado
they have sufficedellos han bastado
they have sufficedellas han bastado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had sufficedyo había bastado
you had sufficedtú habías bastado
he had sufficedél había bastado
she had sufficedella había bastado
we had sufficednosotros habíamos bastado
you had sufficedvosotros habíais bastado
they had sufficedellos habían bastado
they had sufficedellas habían bastado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will sufficeyo bastaré
you will sufficetú bastarás
he will sufficeél bastará
she will sufficeella bastará
we will sufficenosotros bastaremos
you will sufficevosotros bastaréis
they will sufficeellos bastarán
they will sufficeellas bastarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have sufficedyo habré bastado
you will have sufficedtú habrás bastado
he will have sufficedél habrá bastado
she will have sufficedella habrá bastado
we will have sufficednosotros habremos bastado
you will have sufficedvosotros habréis bastado
they will have sufficedellos habrán bastado
they will have sufficedellas habrán bastado

I would sufficeyo bastaría
you would sufficetú bastarías
he would sufficeél bastaría
she would sufficeella bastaría
we would sufficenosotros bastaríamos
you would sufficevosotros bastaríais
they would sufficeellos bastarían
they would sufficeellas bastarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have sufficedyo habría bastado
you would have sufficedtú habrías bastado
he would have sufficedél habría bastado
she would have sufficedella habría bastado
we would have sufficednosotros habríamos bastado
you would have sufficedvosotros habríais bastado
they would have sufficedellos habrían bastado
they would have sufficedellas habrían bastado

Participio presenteAnotado
sufficing bastando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sufficed bastado

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